The ship is really rockin' tonight. There is a storm which is driving ~40 knot winds ~40 degrees off of the bow. Peter did a quick (although suspect) calculation and determined that as a result of the storm we will not lose much time. Time is very important as if all goes well we will have roughly 48 hours in the survey area south of Panama. Speaking of time I thought it would be a perfect time to follow up Mackenzies story of the ping edits with a view of swath sonar data that due to the storm will need to be edited. The roll (side to side), pitch (front to back), and yaw (up and down) actions of the ship cause the multibeam to miss pings as they return which causes "noise" in the data. Aside from that all is well.
Till next time, James
Ouch, wouldn't want to edit that stuff.
Awesome stuff J. Hope you're holding up under what must be pretty rough seas. I'll check back soon.